A Picture’s Worth ….

We have no idea how many words we’ve written and spoken about the Finys Suite. We do know if all those words were published in one place, they’d make Tolstoy look like a piker. We also know we’d likely have a very difficult time finding an audience for such a tome.

So, since a picture is, after all, worth a thousand words — and since it’s much easier to show something than it is to explain something — we decided to put an image where are mouths (or keyboards) are. And so it is we have this graphic representation of the Suite:


First we thought, “Well, that’s a little big.” Then we thought, “It actually fits perfectly on this page. Maybe it’s okay.” After that, we thought, “It shows exactly what we want it to show. And it doesn’t show anything we don’t want it to show.” So, we decided to keep it.

If you ever want to know what’s in the Finys Suite and what the Suite does, we put it all right here in this graphic.

How Do You Get From Here to There?

We’re often asked what it takes to be a successful software vendor. What it takes to be a successful software vendor is, in fact, what it takes to be a successful human being. While we’re not in a hurry to give away our Secret Sauce (patent pending), we do think it’s only fair to share our answers. So, here we go:

First, speak the language. Based on the people you’re talking with, and presuming you have some idea of what they think about and the ways in which they think about it, talk with them in the terms they know and prefer.

Second, if you make a commitment, make sure both parties to the commitment share an understanding of the terms of that commitment. If you expect a top-fuel dragster and we show up with a VW bug, even if it’s fully restored seeing eye-to-eye is likely to be a challenge.

Third, follow through on your commitments. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Do it well. Do it thoroughly. Do it as if you were doing it for yourself. And bear this in mind: If you under-promise and over-deliver, you’ll never go wrong.

Fourth, stand by your work. We understand the need for flexibility. By the same token, we don’t have sliding scale of second best, third best, and so on. We’re determined to do our best and give our best in every engagement. We’ve done pretty well by that determination so far.

Fifth, be accessible. Especially if you’ve sold something to someone, buy and bye-bye is a formula disastrously unhappy outcomes. If the folks to whom you’ve made commitments can’t find you, they’re not likely to think of it as much of a commitment. Desertion may be more like it.

Finally, be accountable. Anyone can talk about responsibility, and everyone does. But there’s difference between taking responsibility for doing something and being accountable for having done it — and for having done it right.

All of that boils down to this equation: Commitment + accessibility + responsibility + accountability = success.

In case you’re still wondering, that’s how you get from here to there.

It’s About Belonging

We call our user group the IAB — Innovation Advisory Board. We created the Board because we care about our customers. We care about their satisfaction. And because we care about them and their satisfaction, we care about their input.

We held this year’s annual meeting of the IAB October 12 and 13. While we told our customers we’d make the meeting in-person and virtual, more than 70 people chose to attend. Our customers got to spend an evening with their product teams. Our people got to get to know our customers better during an enjoyable outing at Topgolf. We used the Management Education Center at Michigan State University for our full conference meetings. And we used our offices in Troy for our breakout working sessions.

We learned much.

Perhaps because we held the IAB at a point at which the world may be finding (or fighting) its way out of a global pandemic, one of the most important things we learned is this: IAB also means it’s about belonging. People were obviously happy to be out, to be with other people, to share interests common and diverse, to engage in conversation and to be engaged, to compare notes on business in general and on the use of our software in particular, and to be the social animals we all are.

And this might sound corny, but we all reveled in the spirit of teamwork that characterized those two days. The best traveled streets accommodate two-way traffic. Similarly, the most conducive environments for learning are mutual. We learned from each other. We earned growing respect from each other. We were honest and transparent, and we were repaid in kind. The experience made us all the more sure that, while we built our business by developing and maintaining software,  we maintain our business by developing trusting relationships.

In the coming days and weeks, we’ll be sharing some videos we shot during the three days we were together. What struck us most about seeing the rough footage was how happy people are. We believe you’ll see in them what we do.

In the meantime, we’ll keep doing what we do.

Let’s Get Rolling: Part Two

In part one of this series, we wondered why the seeming infatuation with insurtech continues apace as if software that’s already on the market were inadequate to overcome reliance on legacy technology. And we asked this question: “Since many of those new [insurtech] wheels are unproven (hence, the risk), why wouldn’t we work with the ones that already roll?”

We have no desire to appear defensive. But we’re compelled to say we’ve worked — and continue to work — hard to provide the best of both worlds. Here’s why we say that:

First, we’re not peddling legacy technology. (Why in the world would we do that?) On the contrary, we developed our software and our business model to take the pain out of replacing legacy technology. Second, we developed our software to enable the integration of whatever aspects of insurtech demonstrate productive, business-improving value to our customers.

20/20 Foresight

“Hindsight is 20/20” is a very common expression. We can’t help but wonder why people wouldn’t want their foresight to be a little more acute. Case in point: In part one of this series, we also excerpted some text from an article we’d read. Some of that text said this:

Successful companies often struggle to anticipate and adapt to competition from new entrants … until it’s too late.

We’re not sure what constitutes successful in that sentence. It seems to us companies that struggle to anticipate and adapt to competition from new entrants until it’s too late might be a lot of things — like unsuccessful or gone — but not successful. But setting that aside, it seems to us that if companies choose to work with vendors that keep their eyes open, that take advantage of the investments being made in insurtech, that recognize the winners, and that make their software flexible and configurable enough to integrate and employ those winners, they’d be much more likely to be successful. And they’d significantly mitigate their risks of being too late.

It’s a good thing developers and investors aren’t willing to settle for the status quo. But neither are we. That’s why we work hard to ensure our customers don’t have to settle for anything, especially legacy technology.

Remember: The software you choose may define your legacy.

Let’s Get Rolling

We saw an article in the September edition of Best’s Review. It’s called, “The Billion-Dollar Question: What’s the Allure of Investing in Insurtechs?” The author starts by explaining what he calls VC math:

As a venture-stage investor, the goal is to deliver five times the returns on the money entrusted to me, within 10 years or so. That’s five times overall, not five times on each investment. Success in venture capital hinges on asymmetric risk. When I write a check, I expect one-third of the investments will crater—a total write-off. Another one-third will be mediocre, returning the principal or a bit more. Success of the fund will depend on a handful of winners in the portfolio. The operative question is not how many losers I have; rather, it’s all a function of the magnitude of my winners. If I have a few investments that deliver 50 times, my losing bets will be forgiven and forgotten.

So far. so good. The VC takes calculated risks in hopes of rich rewards. But this part seemed a bit confusing at first:

Many in the venture community do see insurance as an industry full of vulnerable incumbents. Much of that arises from the lack of widespread technology adoption … and an over-reliance on legacy technology. Many see an even bigger opening as the natural result of legacy culture: Successful companies often struggle to anticipate and adapt to competition from new entrants … until it’s too late. Consider the current environment—a huge market plus pent-up technology plus a belief that incumbents will be slow to respond. Taken together, these create the conditions to support the 50 times outcomes required by VC math.

At first we wondered why, analogously speaking, a VC would back a new producer of wheels for an industry reluctant to buy them? To clarify the analogy, the author’s statement might have read like this:

How Much Do We Need to Worry?

In a rather random Google search, we came across a paper published last year by the global IT consulting firm, Coforge. The title of the paper is “8 Challenges Threatening the Insurance Industry in 2020”. Since threatening sounded rather ominous (we might have gone with facing), we decided to give it a read. Lo and behold, we found almost all of the challenges listed by Coforge to be interrelated.

Here they are, in order, in bold, followed by our own thoughts on the matters:

  1. The increasing demand gap between the multi-generation customer bases. This point is well taken. But there are gaps between all generations — social, cultural, intellectual, musical, expectational, etc. That’s life. Some of those gaps, particularly as they pertain to dashed expectations about job security and the desire to be one’s own boss, led to …
  2. The untapped gig economy. No generation thinks the preceding generation got it right. It’s no wonder the gig economy blossomed.
  3. The fast changing digital space, systems, and technologies. The reality of this point is attributable to changes in technological capabilities, of course. But it’s also attributable to #1 and #2 — bridging the demand gap and tapping the untapped gig economy. The decentralization wrought by #1, #2, and #3, makes #4 inevitable.
  4. The growing concern over the privacy of customer data. Well, yeah. Decentralization and broader distribution of work, transactions, and the data associated with them yield liabilities in security. And them comes …
  5. The added strain of COVID-19. Add the decentralized, distributed chaos of COVID-19 into the challenges posed by #1, #2, #3, and #4, and Coforge’s notion of threatening might be correct after all.
  6. The risks associated with the ever-evolving socio-political and economic landscape. And while the concerns of our customers aren’t necessarily socio-political, we’re certain the ever-evolving economic landscape is a direct contributor to #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5.
  7. The competitor threats. We don’t mean to be dismissive. But competitor threats are like generational gaps. They’re a part of life in 2020, 2021, and every other year.
  8. The effect of global-level changes on the insurance sector. The biggest concerns for our customers are the constantly changing regulation policies. And we agree with Coforge here:

The only way to be prepared and cope with such issues is to have an agile team with a robust digital infrastructure and a standardized code of conduct. 

While we surely have to be aware of all the changing conditions in our environments, our first priority should be the work at hand. Whether you’re in the insurance industry or any other industry, we might all be better off following the advice of Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881).

Know what thou canst work at, and work at it like a Hercules.

It still pertains. So, don’t worry so much.

Software Is a Service

No. That’s not a typo in the title. Yes. It’s a play on Software As a Service (SaaS). Yes. Our software is available in the cloud. But it’s also something we think about frequently when we’re asked, “What do you do?”

The Obvious

We provide an administration suite for property/casualty insurance. That means our suite does everything a comprehensive administration suite should do:

  • It accepts applications.
  • It has workflows.
  • It applies business rules.
  • It rates and quotes applications.
  • It binds coverages and issues policies.
  • It processes renewals and declinations.
  • It integrates with other systems and data sources.
  • It contains a forms library.
  • It enables analytics and reporting.
  • It feeds billing and claim modules (or systems).
  • It processes the necessary transactions.
  • It makes information and transactions accessible to policyholders and agents.

Along the way, the Finys Suite also lets insurers make all necessary policy changes, audit premiums, cancel and reinstate policies and endorsements, track coverage histories, and other cool stuff.

[Yawn …] Well, yes. Those things and more are what the Finys Suite does. But it’s not what we do.

The Not So Obvious

Our Software As a Service offering is actually a Software Is a Service offering. Here’s why we believe that: We develop software that provides processing and transactional services to our customers. The Finys Suite’s digitalization, centralization, automation, and configuration make it easier for our customers to do the business they need to do, the way they want to do it. It also makes it easier for people (policyholders, agents, and other parties) to do business with them.

By making it easier for people to do business with them, the services our software provides also enables our customers to provide better service to all of their constituents. Policy service, claims service, self-service, billing, a variety of payment methods — all of those things and more help our customers cultivate and retain the relationships through which their products are sold and by which their businesses are sustained.

Could Software Is a Service be considered a stretch? Sure it could. But we don’t think of it that way. We think of it as a service that makes providing service easier for our customers.

If you don’t think software is a service, try processing or transacting something without it.

The End of What?

We happened to see a piece on the Gartner website the other day that said this, in part:

Policy administration systems [provide] full end-to-end life cycle management … vendors are increasingly offering a comprehensive range of products with vendors looking to alternative capabilities to differentiate their offerings; for instance, front-end portals with embedded engagement tools.

We have to admit that every time we see something described as end-to-end, we think of two things: The first is a short story by Ernest Hemingway called, “The End of Something”. It was written during what some scholars refer to as Hemingway’s suggestive period, in which he was trying to say something without saying anything. The other is The End of It, a beautiful novel in which a young American artillery officer is driven nearly insane by the barbarity of World War II but is saved by the beauty, the people, and the culture of Italy.

But as you might guess, this isn’t supposed to be a post about literature. So, we’ll get back to our Gartner reading.

Vanishing Point

We have to admit to being perpetually perplexed by the phrase, end to end, for two reasons. First, regardless of the business you’re in, why would you want to suggest the end of anything? We completely understand that nothing lasts forever. But no matter what you’re creating or selling, why invoke even philosophical curiosity about when it might cease to be created or sold?

Policy Lifecycle

Bill: Well, ya know, everything has to end sometime.
Will: I know. But we just started.

Second, maybe we’re being too literal. But if we’re talking about a lifecycle — in this case, a policy lifecycle — where could we say it ends? Isn’t a lifecycle self-perpetuating? Shouldn’t it sustain itself by the fulfillment of commitments, responsive service, and operational transparency? And where or why would it end? When the policyholder stops paying premium? When the insurer refuses to pay a claim and the policyholder takes his business elsewhere? Are we too conservative? We don’t know. But setting aside the argument that the insurance industry is and should be conservative, why even flirt with any of that?

We get the idea that end-to-end is supposed to connote comprehensiveness, a set of processes from policy application to claims adjudication, with billing and a few other things in the bargain. But why not say comprehensive instead of suggesting some point of termination?

Why take it to the vanishing point?

DIY Means Design It Yourself

When most people think about designing something — a car, a software program, a rocket, the perfect in-laws, an insurance product — they usually think about something difficult and pretty messy. It doesn’t have to be that way, at least not always.

Our customers were asking us for a toolset to give them maximal flexibility and maximal independence with minimal complexity. As we listened to their requests and took them to heart, we decided we had two options:

  1. We could make them completely dependent on us to do all of the things they wanted to do by themselves.
  2. We could give them access to exactly the same toolset our designers and developers use, which would enable them to do all the things they wanted to do by themselves.

After careful deliberation, a few sleepless nights, and a seance or two, we chose Option 2.

How Do We Define Success?

“What do our customers want us to do?” We could answer that question in a multitude of ways: They want us to process their insurance transactions. They want us to manage their claims. They want us to bill their policyholders. They want us to give them the best software we can develop to do those things. The list of answers goes on. All of them are only partly correct. What our customers really want us to do is to enable them to do more business more easily, more efficiently, more accurately, and less laboriously. That’s just what our Design Studio does.

We gave our Design Studio an intuitive user interface. We created pre-built line of business templates. We provided drag-and-drop, WYSIWYG fields and process aspects. We enabled real-time collaboration. We included report wizards. We developed automated regression testing. And we made sure users could administer security administration down to the level of individual fields.

It gives our customers exactly as much self-sufficiency as they want. We meet them online in our Design Lab. In joint design sessions, we work with them to establish functional objectives. We teach them how to configure the Suite, their products, their states, and their lines of business. We show them how to do those things simply and efficiently. We tell them they can have all the autonomy they want, but we’ll always be there to help them out and to back them up. That’s why we define our success by the success of our customers.

But help with your in-laws? Not so much.

What’s Up?

Now that we’re more than halfway through 2021, we were thinking about the de rigueur predictions that will soon be coming our way for 2022. For some reason, that put us in mind of the classic Budweiser commercial from 1999. After that, we decided to get serious; although, we really didn’t feel like it.

It’s safe to assume that most of the 2022 predictions for insurance will have to do with technology. The list will, no doubt, include:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI). When more and more homes and cars contain voice-activated assistance, the insurance industry will continue to adopt AI as it can, particularly in the interests of personalizing the policyholder experience and the policyholder’s rates. How will AI do that? With …
  • Machine learning. Simply put, machine learning is stored data that constitutes acquired experience. Combined with AI, that acquired experience can be analyzed and translated into actionable information and automated processing. And where will all this stored data come from? From …
  • The Internet of Things (IoT). Given the connectivity of everything on the Web — including smart-homes gadgets, automobile sensors, wearables, online retail sites, referral-program software, and who knows what — insurers that don’t tap into IoT technology are going to miss the boat and then some.
  • Telematics. See AI, machine learning, and IoT.
  • Social media. Given the pace at which things evolve, it’s interesting to look at how quickly definitions of things like IoT seem to evolve. They used to focus on hardware devices. Now they include every social-media site imaginable, all of which are tracking us like bloodhounds in the woods or sharks in the water.

Sneak Peeks

Chances are pretty slim that we’ll end up in the fortune-telling business. We’ve been developing insurance technology for so long at this point that a career change might not be the most prudent decision we could make. But you really don’t need powers of prognostication to see what’s coming for the insurance industry, technologically speaking.

The industry will continue to follow its conservative nature, as it should. It’ll prudently adopt technologies as it can. It’ll wisely heed the needs of its policyholders. It’ll stay a few steps back from leading edges, which is a much safer place to be anyway. But in the end, it’ll come around, as it always does.

That’s what’s up.