Insurtechs: Bigger Fish or Red Herrings?

At this point, insurtechs have been around long enough that most of us are familiar with the benefits they typically tout. Here are the Top 10:

  1. Innovation and modernization, based on their belief that new technologies like AI, machine learning, blockchain, and IoT will change the game. Core system vendors are under pressure to integrate these technologies into their offerings to remain competitive.
  2. Legacy system transformation, based on their belief that they know the industry well enough to introduce more flexibility, scalability, and the capability to handle modern insurance demands.
  3. Enhanced user experiences, based on their belief that they’ll equip core system vendors to enhance their systems with user-friendly interfaces and customer-centric features to meet the expectations of modern consumers.
  4. Data-driven personalization, based on their belief that data analytics is the silver bullet for ensuring personalized insurance products, claims handling,  and customer service.
  5. Faster implementations, based on their belief that, for the most part, one size will fit all.
  6. APIs and integration capabilities, based on their apparent belief that core system vendors aren’t already including such things to make their systems more open and adaptable to new technologies and partners.
  7. Ecosystem development, based on their apparent belief that core system vendors will be open to partnering with all of them, their value to vendors, their customers, and their customers’ policyholders notwithstanding.
  8. Co-development and white-labeling, based on their apparent belief that core system vendors may not be developers in the first place and that they may be willing to compromise their brand credibillty by suggesting they can’t developing capabilities on their own.
  9. Increased competition, based on their apparent belief that they can influence and compete with traditional vendors.
  10. Continuous evolution, based on their apparent belief that the rest of the world, the insurance industry, and technology might remain static without them.

But there’s a bigger reality to take into consideration.

Behind the Veil

Given the fact that some insurtechs have, indeed, proven their value and manifested varying degrees of longevity, we’re not entitled to express opinions about the Top 10. But we should bear this in mind: In May of last year (the most recent data we could find on the topic), Boston Consulting Group reported the following in an article entitled, “Insurtech’s Hot Streak Has Ended. What’s Next?”:

Investments in the fintech sector decreased by 43% year over year, with insurtech registering the largest drop at 50%. After hitting a peak of $4.9 billion in the second quarter of 2021, insurtech funding began its descent. By the fourth quarter of 2022, funding had reached its lowest level of the past 20 quarters, with only $800 million invested. That marked a decrease of 64% from the previous quarter and 78% from the fourth quarter of 2021 … the pace of growth has slowed significantly, and the market shows no signs of a rebound.

Does that mean insurtechs are going away? Nope. Does it mean we can or should ignore them? Nope. Does it mean core system vendors should be prepared to incorporate and integrate the ones that suit their business models and provide discernible value to their customers? Yep.

That’s exactly what we mean when we say the Finys Suite is future-proof.

Social Inflation Goes Nuclear

The July edition of Best’s Review ran an article called, “Social Inflation Remains a Thorn in the Side of Casualty Insurers”. The article reflects the evolving psychology of some policyholders and the corresponding expectations that yield suspicion of corporations and assumptions about corporations’ abilities to inflate compensatory damages:

Social inflation continues to test the ability of casualty insurers with unpredictable and excessive claim costs … a reflection of shifting social and cultural attitudes toward corporations … when people have claims or file claims … they’re looking at the deep pockets of the corporations and figuring that, “Hey, somebody has to pay for my misfortune” … A lot of that led to an increase in lawsuits … [and] the erosion of tort reform in a number of states.

In other words, we may be facing the proverbial perfect storm of social inflation and nuclear verdicts.

What is Social Inflation?

Social inflation denotes the increase in claim severity above the historical norms of economic inflation and claim trends, in which the rising costs of insurance claims are driven by societal trends and views toward litigation, rather than just general economic inflation. Those trends include changes in public perception and attitudes toward corporations, liability, and risk-taking that can lead to increased litigation and larger jury awards. They include the involvement of outside parties in funding lawsuits that drive up litigation costs. They include reversals of tort-reform measures that were intended to protect insurers from insolvency. And they include varying demographic makeups of jury pools that can influence jury verdicts and awards. The upshot is that those trends lead to increased claim costs, higher premiums, and reduced profitability for insurers.

What is a Nuclear Verdict?

Nuclear verdict denotes verdicts in favor of plaintiffs with damage awards that surpass $10 million. Such verdicts are considered nuclear because they can have devastating effects on defendants, potentially causing financial hardship and bankruptcy. Nuclear verdicts often involve complex cases, such as product liability, medical malpractice, or catastrophic injuries. The increase in nuclear verdicts is attributable to a number of things, including the changing attitudes toward corporations mentioned above, increasingly aggressive plaintiff attorneys, the increasing numbers of class-action lawsuits, the increasing cost of healthcare and medical treatments, and more. The proliferation of nuclear verdicts is a source of concern and consequence for the insurance industry and defense litigators. They lead to increased insurance premiums, reduced coverage options, and a greater risk of financial ruin for defendants. As a result, there is a growing need for effective risk management strategies, litigation tactics, and claim management techniques to mitigate the implications of these verdicts.

Start at the Beginning

We can’t say your core processing suite can save you from all the effects of social inflation and nuclear verdicts. There are regulatory and legal issues to be resolved, as well as social attitudes to be examined and mitigated. But the right suite — one with the flexible configuration capabilities to enable you to anticipate and adapt — will have you better positioned before social inflation goes nuclear.

If you happen to be looking for such a suite, we know some guys.

Imagine That

Like everybody else, we sometimes wonder why we do what we do. But when we start poking around a little bit, we often find information that astounds us and reminds of why we do what we do … and why what we do is valuable.

Case in point: According to IBISWorld, the U.S. market size for P&C and direct insurance was $888 billion last year. According to other sources, the U.S. market size for P&C and direct insurance in 2024 is $913.1 billion. And it’s expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 5.5 percent from 2024 to 2032, driven by the rising rate of urbanization and higher insurance coverages on properties, homes, commercial enterprises, and vehicles. By any measure, that’s significant growth. And we’re part of it.

Reality Check

The P&C insurance industry manages to continue growing as it does despite consistent challenges that come in increasing numbers. Here are just a few:

  • Growing Competition: The industry is highly competitive. There are new players entering the market all the time. Carriers, MGAs, and insurtechs are offering increased specialization, customizing policies and rates.
  • Rising Operational Costs: Since the cost of most things goes up, not down, the industry is challenged to be more efficient — without reducing effectiveness and customer service.
  • Consumer Expectations: With consumers becoming more sophisticated and technology changing their expectations for responsiveness, the industry is under pressure to provide more personalized services and experiences.
  • An Ever-Changing Landscape: The industry has to keep up with emerging trends, technologies, and regulatory requirements, the pace of which always seems to be increasing.
  • Digital Transformation: Digital technologies and capabilities are driving everything from artificial intelligence (AI) to blockchain, from the Internet of Things (IoT), to telematics and more.
Modesty Where It’s Due

All those challenges require vendors like us to be agile, creative, responsive, and focused on the needs of our customers. Along the way, we keep things in perspective: We know we process a small fraction of the P&C industry’s $913.1 billion. And we know the industry would still continue to grow without us. But you know what? We’re contributing. We’re doing our part.

Pink Floyd might say we’re just another brick in the wall. But the wall doesn’t get built without bricks like us.

Imagine that.

Look Back to Look Ahead

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to establish a foothold in insurance, it’s important to remember two things: (1) AI can be invaluable in automating routine tasks to reduce the need for manual intervention. (2) The predictive value of AI lies in hindsight; that is, its ability to analyze data, to identify patterns, and to predict outcomes is retrospective.

Predictive AI combines machine learning, AI, and statistical models to identify relationships between variables and to make predictions. To cite a few examples, AI can:

  • Assess and manage risk more effectively by analyzing data from various sources, including social media, credit reports, and medical records.
  • Predict the likelihood of claims, enabling insurers to offer more accurate risk assessments and personalized premiums.
  • Automate claims processing, reducing the time and effort required to settle claims and improving accuracy.
  • Predict customer churn: By analyzing customer behavior and demographics, AI can identify patterns that indicate whether a customer is likely to switch to a competitor, allowing insurers to target them retention efforts.
  • Forecast sales: AI can analyze historical sales data, seasonality, and market trends to allow insurers to prioritize the sales or products or lines accordingly.
  • Detect anomalies: AI can identify unusual patterns in data, such as unusual policyholder behavior or rating abnormalities, to allow for swift detection and resolution.
  • Optimize processes: AI can analyze process data to identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, enabling insurers to optimize workflows, reduce costs, and increase productivity.

Generative AI, on the other hand, creates new content, such as images, text, and other media, by learning from, aggregating, and adapting existing data patterns. While generative AI is valuable in creative fields and novel problem-solving, its predictive value is limited to generating new content rather than making predictions about future outcomes.

What’s In It For Insurance?

AI is flexing its muscles in the insurance industry, by improving capabilities like customer service, claims processing, underwriting, and fraud detection. Its ability to analyze large datasets and to process information in specifically programmed ways enables insurance companies to enhance customer service by providing personalized policies and improving communication. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide 24/7 customer support, answer common questions, and help customers with policy-related inquiries. AI can streamline or eliminate manual, time-consuming tasks; improve the accuracy of rating and underwriting; and bind policies faster. It can aid in policy comparisons, ensuring policyholders get the most suitable products for their needs. And it can help detect and prevent fraud by analyzing patterns and identifying suspicious behavior.

As AI continues to evolve, we can expect it to contribute more significantly to improvements in the insurance industry. Since it relies on data (past) to enable its predictive capabilities (future), it will always look back to look ahead.

In an industry that measures its success retrospectively (based on claims experience), that’s not a bad way to go.

Follow the Money

Because we’re as modest as we are, we don’t like to brag. (But we will if we have to. 😉) We bring that up here because we were doing some research on the percentage of annual revenue some companies put back into their products. What we found suggested that in industries with long innovation cycles — and in which products are more standardized — companies may allocate five percent or less of their annual revenue for their products. Along with not bragging, we’re not inclined to say we’re the most innovative company on the planet. But we invest 22 percent of our annual revenue into our product.

Some of that may be attributable to the fact that we’re dedicated to serving U.S.-based property/casualty insurance companies only, which spares us some expenses other companies might incur. As examples:

  • We don’t have to produce materials or product versions that are multi-lingual or multi-currency.
  • We don’t have to build interfaces for foreign, third-party data sources.
  • We don’t have to address varying cultural nuances and business practices.
  • We can focus our efforts, allocate resources, and tailor our marketing, sales, and product-development efforts to one market.
  • We can simplify our compliance with laws, regulations, and even data formats.
  • We can establish and maintain deeper relationships with other U.S.-based companies, industry associations, and government agencies.
  • We can provide customer support tailored to U.S. time zones and business hours.
  • We can better target marketing messages and campaigns to U.S. businesses.
  • We can prioritize the product features and enhancements we develop to ensure they’re most relevant to the U.S. market.
  • We can enjoy relative economic stability as opposed to being exposed to the economic volatility of other global regions.
Money Isn’t Everything

That statement is certainly true. But money can be very influential. In our case, being able to put almost a quarter of our annual revenue back into our product-development efforts gives us discernible value over some of our competitors. And the corollary is that we’re investing that revenue for the benefit of our customers, who can be sure our software is as good as it can be, for the market we choose to serve, year after year.

No. Money isn’t everything. But if you follow it, you can learn some pretty interesting things.

The Psychology of Insurance

Given the fact that we’re in the business of the mechanics of insurance (processing software), it had never occurred to us to wonder about its psychology … until it did. When we started to indulge our curiosity, one of the first things we found was an article from the December 2019/January 2020 edition of The Actuary called, aptly enough, “Insurance Psychology 101”. The article says this, in part:

It is unlikely the psychologists Dr. Edward Deci and Dr. Richard Ryan were thinking of digital technologies when they introduced their Self-Determination Theory in 1985, prescribing the human need for autonomy, competence and connectedness to sustain a sense of well-being and to flourish … Media psychology is essential to appeasing and understanding the insurance needs of future consumers whose native language is digital and a medium for human connectedness technology.

Well, there’s a mouthful, as well as a mind-full. But what, we wondered, is media psychology?

A Closer Look

Like so many things in actuarial science and psychology, some things are less complex than they appear. According to Dr. Pamela Rutledge, media psychology:

studies the interaction among individuals, groups, society, and technology to help consumers, developers, communicators, and society at large make good decisions … the advent of the Internet and social media has brought it to the fore … The advent of social media has made the landscape more interrelated and complex.

Granting we’re neither actuaries nor psychologists, what we derive from that definition is the apparent fact that consumers, developers, communicators, and society at large expect the Internet and social media to make things easier. What a coincidence. So, do we. That’s why we built the Finys Suite to be flexibly configurable and capable of adapting to emerging insurtech developments.

As for the psychology of insurance, a cynic might say people buy insurance because they’re paranoid. We tend to take more magnanimous view and believe people buy insurance to protect themselves from financial risk. That, too, seems sensibly simple.

Flip a Coin

In the end, it doesn’t really matter why people buy insurance or what media psychology is. What matters is that people do buy insurance, and we support the companies that sell it to them.

If nothing else, it gives us a greater appreciation for the industry we serve.

What’s the Difference? (Part Two)

In our previous post, we wrote about the risks associated with system implementations including the project investment, lost productivity, re-implementation costs, consulting and legal fees, and reputational damage. That’s why we reduce our customers’ risk and exposure by employing a guaranteed-cost model (or guaranteed-cost contract). Using that model, our customers pay a fixed, predetermined price for a completed implementation. If cost overruns or unexpected expenses occur during the course of the project, we absorb them.

Here are some of the other benefits of a guaranteed-cost model include:

  1. Budget certainty: A guaranteed-cost model gives the customer budget certainty. It’s not if this, then that. Since the total cost of the project is predetermined and fixed, the customer can budget accordingly without worrying about cost overruns.
  2. Risk transfer: Since we assume the rise of cost overruns or delays, our customers have the comfort of knowing they won’t be on the hook for anything beyond the contract price.
  3. Motivated efficiency: Since we don’t expect to be compensated for any cost overruns — and along with the fact we’re committed to the satisfaction of our customers — the guaranteed-cost model is our incentive to complete the project on time and on budget. The increased efficiency and productivity benefits both parties.
  4. Simplified project management: Since the cost is fixed in advance, project management becomes more straightforward. Contractors can focus on delivering the project according to the agreed-upon specifications without constantly monitoring costs or negotiating change orders.
  5. Enhanced collaboration: By assuming the risk, we foster collaborative relationships with our customers because they understand we’re putting skin in the game.
  6. Fewer disputes: With a fixed price and greater collaboration, our working relationships stay positive and our implementation projects transpire more smoothly.

Will we try to convince you our guaranteed-cost model is perfect? No. But our track record might suggest it. We have more than 40 successful implementations to date. We humbly suggest you don’t earn a track record like that by doing it wrong.

Talk to us to learn more about how we get implementations right.

What’s the Difference?

Depending on the studies you cite or the reports you favor, the average cost of a failed system implementation in the insurance industry can vary significantly depending on the size of the company, the complexity of the system being implemented, the amount of money spent on the system, the number of people involved in and the time spent on the implementation project, the extent or nature of the failure, and other factors. But no matter what studies you cite or what reports you favor, the costs can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Ouch.

Some factors that contribute to the cost of a failed system implementation include:

  1. Project Investment: This includes the cost of purchasing the software or system, the implementation fees, and the cost of any customization or integration expenses.
  2. Lost Productivity: When a system implementation fails, the employees appointed to support the implementation lose all the time and productivity they’d otherwise have committed to doing their regular jobs.
  3. Re-Implementation Costs: If a system implementation fails, the company may need to start over with a new system or make significant modifications to salvage the project, leading to additional expenses.
  4. Consulting and Legal Fees: Companies may need to hire consultants or legal experts to help navigate the fallout from a failed implementation, adding to the overall time, financial, and opportunity costs.
  5. Reputational Damage: A failed system implementation can create internal and external repetitional damage: Internally, the reputation of the decision-making team and the players involved in the failure will be tarnished. Externally, announcing the failure to agents and others in the value chain will ding the company’s credibility and reliability, leading to lost customers and revenue in the long term.

While it’s difficult to provide an exact average cost due to the variability of factors involved, we can say this with a fair degree of confidence: Failed system implementations can have significant financial consequences for insurance companies. This underscores the importance of thorough planning, testing, and risk management throughout the implementation process.

Saddle Up

At risk of sounding self-serving, the best thing you can do to optimize your system implementations and minimize your exposure to risk and cost is to work with a vendor who’s been to the rodeo before. With more than 40 successful implementations under our saddle, we’ve been there, done that, earned our saddle sores, and learned from every one of them. That’s why we let you know what needs to be done upfront. And it’s why we developed our PREP methodology.

Experience. That’s the difference.

The Art in Artificial Intelligence

In the December edition of Best’s Review, we came across an article titled, “Underwriting AI: Is It Aligned With Insurance Industry’s Best Interests?” It’s fair to say it left us feeling a little queasy, especially this part:

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is eliciting a wide range of predictions for its impact, from solutions to our most pressing problems like cancer and climate change to the availability of omniscient personal assistants to widespread misinformation and the disempowerment of humanity. These predictions are on the minds of casualty underwriters as they review a growing number of submissions from businesses claiming to be powered by AI. Perhaps no plaintiffs will be around to collect damages, but no one wants to have underwritten the AI application responsible for the disempowerment of humanity. While the artificial general intelligence that could precipitate an AI apocalypse is likely years away, it’s reasonable to be concerned about the harm that AI systems can cause today.

Well, now. There’s nothing like a good dystopian nightmare to keep us from getting too infatuated with technology, we alway say.

What’s Possible

Relying on AI for casualty underwriting reminds us of some articles we’ve read recently about using AI to detect plagiarism. One from says:

Created in response to growing cases of plagiarism in the academic world, plagiarism-checking tools compare text against large databases of existing web content, as well as research papers, magazines, journals, and publications, to see if there are any matches between them.

Another from from says you can:

Check for plagiarism using advanced AI to detect the slightest variations within the text, including hidden and manipulated characters, paraphrasing, and AI-generated content.

Yet another, this one from says:

Plagium Originality AI Detector is a GPT-based plagiarism detection tool designed specifically to identify AI-generated text that has been copied or paraphrased from other sources … The detector is multilingual and can identify plagiarism in text written in various languages.

We get all that. But the same questions apply to AI for casualty underwriting as apply to all those plagiarism checkers.

What’s Necessary

Before we fall unconditionally in love with AI, let’s at least tap the breaks and use our slightly slower pace to ask these question, regardless of whether we’re talking about plagiarism-detection or casualty underwriting:

  • What’s “the truth”?
  • Who gets to define it?
  • What are the sources?
  • How current are the sources?
  • Who maintains them?
  • Who programmed the application?
  • Most important, the industry notwithstanding, what’s in your company’s best interest?

Do those questions mean we’re skeptical? We hope so. Do we believe in the potential of AI to be a constructive tool for the insurance industry and beyond? Yes. But putting AI to work in any capacity — like choosing a software vendor or checking out your daughter’s boyfriend — requires diligent vetting. If AI — like your software vendor or your daughter’s boyfriend — doesn’t seem like it’s going to behave the way you want it to, you’re better off knowing that before it’s too late. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

AI may be a science. But making sure it does what you expect it to do is an art.

That’s Shocking: Part Two

In the first installment in this series, we wrote:

We’re not necessarily in a hurry to return to horses and buggies. But we have to admit, those were certainly more simple times with more obvious risks and fewer technologies to master. On the other hand, more of us live better lives than ever before … We imagine requiring insurance to keep up is a small price to pay to pay for progress.

Well … we may have to re-think that a bit.

The October edition of Best’s Review contained two articles — “When It Comes to Insuring Electric Vehicles [EVs], It’s All About the Battery” and “Surge of Catalytic Converter Thefts Tied to Soaring Prices of Precious Metals” — that connected some dots and gave us pause.

About insuring EVs, the first article said this:

A Hyundai EV … bottomed out, damaging its battery’s protective skid plate and blowing out a tire … the only way to replace a skid plate is to buy a new battery for $37,000 … That’s an example of some of the hard  decisions insurers have to make about whether to total a car … The price of a battery fluctuates depending on the make and model of an electric vehicle … Most batteries appear to fall into a range of $10,500 to $22,500 … raw materials such as lithium used in the batteries increased the average cost of a vehicle to nearly $66,000 last year.

About the theft of catalytic converters and the rising prices (and the scarcity) of precious metals, the second article said this:

Catalytic converters … contain the precious metals rhodium, platinum and palladium, the most valuable of which is rhodium, whose value averaged $2,052 an ounce in 2018 and by 2021 had shot to $18,074 an ounce … catalytic converter replacements by policyholders jumped 1,155% nationally between 2019 and 2022 and by 6,400% or more in Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. In 2022, there were more than 64,000 catalytic converter thefts nationally … Insurance claims as a result of these thefts jumped to 64,701 last year, from 16,660 in 2020. Replacing stolen catalytic converters can cost between $1,000 and $3,500 or more, depending on the type of vehicle.

What do EV batteries and catalytic converters have in common? Precious metals, minerals, and rare earth elements.

Chicken or Egg?

We don’t know who’s getting the worst of it in this situation: The car owners who pay so much for EVs? The insurers who pay so much for battery and catalytic converter losses? Or the car owners who pay so much for EVs and the insurance to cover them? No matter how it all shakes out, it’s enough to make you think the Yugo wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

And it makes you wonder what the Doobie Brothers and Sammy Hagar would do if they were writing this song and this song today.

Turn it up.